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Articles tagged with: 7 Years

Rebuilding Credit »

[31 May 2024 | No Comment | 5,392 views]
7 Steps After Bankruptcy to Increasing Your Credit Score

There are many advantages to having a good credit score. Qualifying for lower interest rates, ability to get approved for loans and lines of credit, and paying less on loans for items such as homes and automobiles to name a few.

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[18 May 2024 | 3 Comments | 12,677 views]
Remove a Car Repo From Your Credit Report

Just because you settled with a car loan company after a car repossession, that doesn’t mean that they have to remove it from your Equifax, Experian or TransUnion reports.

Credit Repair »

[4 Sep 2011 | 2 Comments | 4,738 views]
Removing Bankruptcies and Foreclosures From Your Credit Report

Having a foreclosure on your credit report is like dropping a bomb on your credit score — almost cutting it in half in some instances. Your FICO Score will take a big hit that could remain on there for as much as seven years.