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Articles tagged with: Free Credit Score

Fico Scores »

[15 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 5,538 views]
Un-Paid Utility Bills Will Damage Your Credit Report and Lower Your FICO Score 100 Points

Your credit score report can be affect by more than your available credit history. We talk about how credit cards, mortgages, car loans, and any type of loan that reports to all 3 credit bureaus will affect your credit score. We don’t always talk about utility companies and how they can have a negative impact on your credit report. Here are utility companies I like to consider non-creditors. In other words these companies don’t give you a line credit, they just provide a service.

Fico Scores »

[8 Jul 2024 | No Comment | 2,168 views]
Citi Low Interest Credit Card With Free Credit Score and Credit Report Online Instantly

Citi Free Credit Score will become the largest credit card issuer to provide free credit scores to their credit card customers. The bank will begin providing these scores on a monthly basis beginning in January 2015 and the scores will only be available online. Citi will provide the FICO credit score which is based on credit report information from Equifax.

Fico Scores »

[18 Jun 2024 | No Comment | 2,778 views]
Wells Fargo is Now Offering a Free Credit Score Check

Wells Fargo customers will have free access to one of their credit scores and credit reports until November 16, 2014 in conjunction with the American Bankers Association’s annual campaign “Get Smart About Credit.” It’s the third year of this promotion, according to a news release from Wells Fargo and it requires customers to visit a local bank branch to obtain their personal access codes for the data.

Fico Scores »

[11 Jun 2024 | No Comment | 2,207 views]
How Free Credit Scores and Free Credit Reports are Calculated

Wells Fargo and Discover Card say they now provide free credit scores along with Barclaycard and First Bankcard — financial monitoring website, CreditKarma, touts that you can get your credit scores online in minutes — others now offering free scores include the online credit-educational sites Credit.com, Quizzle and CreditSesame.

Free Credit Report »

[30 May 2024 | No Comment | 4,570 views]
How can I Find out What my Credit Score is for Free?

Most people can get confused when it comes to checking their credit scores. Consumers wonder which credit score should they check, what’s the best credit score website and are credit scores really free? These questions are asked often, but rarely do people find the right answers.