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Articles tagged with: 3 Major Credit Bureaus

Rebuilding Credit »

[13 Jul 2024 | No Comment | 4,334 views]
Bad Credit Subprime Credit Card Lenders

Credit card issuers are ramping up lending to consumers with poor credit but borrowers beware — the terms aren’t always going to be good. Lending to subprime consumers — typically those with a FICO credit score of below 660 — climbed 41% last year, with banks issuing 1.1 million new credit cards to riskier consumers, a four-year high, according to a recent report from credit reporting agency Equifax.

Rebuilding Credit »

[15 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 14,217 views]
Credit Cards to Rebuild Bad Credit and Boost Your FICO Score

Part of rebuilding your credit is proving that you can pay your bills on time. If your bad credit episode left you without any credit cards, you’ll have to open new ones.

Rebuilding Credit »

[1 Jun 2024 | 2 Comments | 5,054 views]
Secured Credit Card for Credit Score Rebuilding

Secured credit cards are great for establishing or rebuilding your credit history. Unlike prepaid cards, secured credit cards give you a credit line, and your payment activity will be reported to the major consumer reporting agencies.

Credit Repair Letters »

[22 May 2024 | No Comment | 3,523 views]
Sample Credit Letter for no Response to a Dispute Letter

So, it’s been 30 days since I sent my dispute letter to one of theĀ 3 major credit bureaus and no response. How can I know if they’re doing something, did something, still yet to do something, or if they’re just simply ignoring me? Are they even allowed to just ignore people? What should I do?

Fico Scores »

[11 May 2024 | No Comment | 2,944 views]
How to Raise My FICO Score

FICO Score is a term used to describe the number assigned to you in relation to your credit. It is simply a number used to represent your financial obligations in relation to your credit history. It is called FICO because this score is determined by software created by Fair Isaac and Company.