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Articles tagged with: Bad Credit Score

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[10 Jul 2024 | 2 Comments | 7,030 views]
3 Disadvantages of Having a Low Credit Score

Having a low credit score can hurt you in a number of different ways. Here are some of the disadvantages of having a low credit score.

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[28 Jun 2024 | 5 Comments | 18,892 views]
How to get Approved for a Bad Credit Home Loan

Because many lenders follow a set of approval criteria for borrowers, it’s not easy to borrow money for a home loan when you have bad credit. However, there are some important things you need to follow to get bad credit home loans.

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[29 May 2024 | 2 Comments | 9,074 views]
Bad Credit Loans for a Bad Credit Score

Many people are not aware of bad credit loans and they are usually given to people with bad credit ratings — people also believe that once their credit score is bad, their options of getting a loan are finished. Many of them believe that it is impossible to get a loan if you have a poor score on your credit ratings.

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[22 Apr 2024 | No Comment | 3,443 views]
What Will a Bad Credit Score Cost you?

Having a bad credit score will cost you a lot more than a higher interest rate for a few loans. It extends into many parts of your financial life. So many people fail to understand how important their credit is until they try to buy a home or take out a loan. People with bad credit usually know that they will have to pay higher interest rates. But they often don’t realize how deeply they will really be affected.

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[21 Apr 2024 | One Comment | 4,249 views]
When Your Good Credit Score Marries a Bad Credit Score

There is a common misconception that when two people marry their credit histories become one the minute the two tie the knot. This is only partially true. When two people marry, each retains his or her individual credit history up to that point.