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[22 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 6,838 views]
Rebuild Credit With a Wells Fargo Secured Credit Card

The Wells Fargo Secured Card has a few restrictions on eligibility. If you have declared bankruptcy within the past 12 months or have any unsettled liens, you won’t qualify. Interestingly, you only need to be 18 to qualify unless you live in Alabama (where you have to be 19) or in Mississippi or Puerto Rico (where you have to be 21).

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[16 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 8,324 views]
Rebuild Credit With a Navy Federal Credit Union nRewards Secured Credit Card

Let me start by saying that this is a first-rate secured credit card. Really, the only downside to the Navy Federal Credit Union nRewards Secured Card is that to be eligible, you have be in the military or related to someone who is. But if you meet the eligibility requirements, this is one of the best cards out there for rebuilding or establishing credit.

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[31 May 2024 | No Comment | 5,392 views]
7 Steps After Bankruptcy to Increasing Your Credit Score

There are many advantages to having a good credit score. Qualifying for lower interest rates, ability to get approved for loans and lines of credit, and paying less on loans for items such as homes and automobiles to name a few.

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[24 Apr 2024 | One Comment | 3,628 views]
Why Your Credit Score Hates Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas

You and I might revel in the crisp autumn weather, but your credit score hates this time of year. The reason? Starting in October and continuing through the next 90 days, many households dramatically increase their spending.

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[9 Feb 2014 | One Comment | 36,324 views]
Rebuild Credit With a U.S. Bank Secured Visa Credit Card

The U.S. Bank Secured Visa Card, which is from a large bank, usually have the best credit card terms. Your security deposit can range from $300 to $5,000 and you earn interest on it, which is excellent. The fine print notes that your application could be denied if you’ve had a bankruptcy, are less than 18 years old, or if your security deposit is less than $300 to start.