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[7 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 4,578 views]
Improve Your FICO Score With These Tips

It’s important to note that repairing bad credit takes time and there is no quick way to fix a credit score. In fact, out of all of the ways to improve a credit score, quick-fix efforts are the most likely to backfire, so beware of any advice that claims to improve your credit score fast.

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[17 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 5,131 views]
Having Your Home Equity Line of Credit Reduced Will not Lower Your Credit Score

The limit on your home-equity line of credit has been reduced, causing the amount of debt you have compared with the limit to shoot up — that’s bad news for your credit score.

Rebuilding Credit »

[12 May 2024 | One Comment | 3,876 views]
1-800-860-0644 is Portfolio Recovery Associates

Portfolio Recover Associates is a collection agency who claims their communication is an attempt to collect a debt.

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[29 Apr 2024 | 2 Comments | 3,479 views]
Getting Married Won’t Lower Your FICO Score if Your Spouse has a bad FICO Score

You are about to get married, and your Fiance’s FICO Score is 200 points lower than yours. Once you wed, your scores will be combined, and your mate’s low score will pull yours down.

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[27 Apr 2024 | One Comment | 3,173 views]
Filing Bankruptcy Requires a Credit Counseling Certificate

One of the pre-filing requirements involves obtaining a certificate of successful completion of credit counseling with a government approved counseling agency. The counseling can take place up to six months prior to filing. If time is of the essence in filing for bankruptcy protection and you have not completed the counseling sessions, this can cause delays and problems so don’t wait until the last minute.