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Articles tagged with: FICO Credit Score

Rebuilding Credit »

[9 Jul 2024 | No Comment | 2,556 views]
Improve Your Credit Fast After Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is by no means game over for your financial life — there are steps you can take to begin rebuilding your credit and eventually, your overall financial health.

Fico Scores »

[8 Jul 2024 | No Comment | 2,168 views]
Citi Low Interest Credit Card With Free Credit Score and Credit Report Online Instantly

Citi Free Credit Score will become the largest credit card issuer to provide free credit scores to their credit card customers. The bank will begin providing these scores on a monthly basis beginning in January 2015 and the scores will only be available online. Citi will provide the FICO credit score which is based on credit report information from Equifax.

Fico Scores »

[1 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 3,410 views]
Open new Credit Accounts With High Limits to Raise Your FICO Credit Score

Get a credit card with a high limit, keep the balance low and use the credit card to establish a credit history or boost a low credit score. Remember — the more available credit on a credit card, the better.

Fico Scores »

[12 May 2024 | No Comment | 2,912 views]
Walmart’s Free Credit Score Online is Your Real FICO Credit Score

Walmart’s Free Credit Score is making it easy for you to stay informed about your FICO Credit Score. Just register for online account management and enroll to receive electronic statements. Then, after you sign up to receive electronic statements, you’ll be able to sign up to get your free FICO Credit Score and see it each time you log into your account.

Free Credit Report »

[4 May 2024 | No Comment | 2,129 views]
Discover Card Free Credit Score

Discover started including customers’ FICO scores on monthly bills and on online accounts in early 2014. According to FICO numbers quoted by Discover, 87 percent of consumers’ credit scores fluctuate from month to month, with changes of as much as 20 points. These monthly credit scores can help customers receive real-time notification of any changes that could signal an error or abuse of their credit.