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Articles tagged with: Credit Repair

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[17 Jul 2024 | 2 Comments | 9,735 views]
Method of Verification is a Secret Credit Repair Tool

Everyone, it seems through mass media coverage, knows how to dispute negative credit listings on your credit report. This is a good thing. However, many people are foiled in their disputes because of the way the credit bureaus “investigate” the disputes.

Credit Repair »

[19 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 5,829 views]
How to Remove a Tax Lien From Your Credit Report

In February 2011, the IRS announced a set of new policies called the “IRS Fresh Start” program regarding unpaid taxes in an effort to “…Help Struggling Taxpayers Get a Fresh Start…” One of the changes will directly affect credit reports and possibly raise credit scores.

Credit Repair »

[5 Jun 2024 | 2 Comments | 3,785 views]
Consumer Credit Laws for Credit Repair

Consumer credit transactions are regulated both at the Federal and the State level. While there is considerable variation among State laws governing consumer credit transactions, most are based on Federal laws and various versions of State laws covering several standard areas.

Fico Scores »

[1 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 27,122 views]
Fix Your Credit FICO Score in a Hurry With a Rapid Rescore

A few credit score points can mean the difference between a good mortgage rate, a lousy one or getting a loan at all. But take heart — If errors are dragging down your score, you can get them fixed, just in time for your much-anticipated closing.

Rebuilding Credit »

[31 May 2024 | No Comment | 5,392 views]
7 Steps After Bankruptcy to Increasing Your Credit Score

There are many advantages to having a good credit score. Qualifying for lower interest rates, ability to get approved for loans and lines of credit, and paying less on loans for items such as homes and automobiles to name a few.