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Articles tagged with: Credit Score

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[23 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 4,304 views]
Get Your FICO Score for Free

So, what is a FICO Score? It’s a number that is formulated based on your credit history helping lenders evaluate your credit risk. Your FICO Score is used to determine credit offers and interest rates — and now it’s free for you to view.

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[20 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 7,460 views]
How Much Does an IRS Tax Lien Lower Your Credit Score?

According to Experian.com, an unpaid tax lien will most definitely affect your credit score negatively. How much, however, varies since Experian notes that it depends on an individual’s overall track record of paying bills on time. The important thing is to find ways to get the IRS lien paid before considering options you have that can remove a current or old and paid lien from your credit score.

Fico Scores »

[15 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 5,538 views]
Un-Paid Utility Bills Will Damage Your Credit Report and Lower Your FICO Score 100 Points

Your credit score report can be affect by more than your available credit history. We talk about how credit cards, mortgages, car loans, and any type of loan that reports to all 3 credit bureaus will affect your credit score. We don’t always talk about utility companies and how they can have a negative impact on your credit report. Here are utility companies I like to consider non-creditors. In other words these companies don’t give you a line credit, they just provide a service.

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[14 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 4,172 views]
Not Filling out a Moving Form can Hurt Your Credit Score

When you move, it’s often important to report your change of address to the United States Postal Service or you risk missing important mailings like credit card and utility bills.

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[10 Jul 2024 | No Comment | 2,469 views]
Simulated Credit Score & Credit Score Estimator

The federal government gives us the right to a free credit report once a year. However, there’s no government mandate for annual free FICO Scores — the credit score lenders most often use to approve credit applications. You may be able to receive a free FICO Score by signing up for another subscription service, but that isn’t always a good option.