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Articles tagged with: Credit Bureaus

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[14 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 4,172 views]
Not Filling out a Moving Form can Hurt Your Credit Score

When you move, it’s often important to report your change of address to the United States Postal Service or you risk missing important mailings like credit card and utility bills.

Free Credit Report »

[4 Jul 2024 | 2 Comments | 5,363 views]
Best Places to get FICO Scores for Free

Your FICO Score is a very important indicator of how well you’re doing credit wise. FICO Scores can be retrieved at a small cost but there are some ways to obtain your credit report and sometimes your score for free.

Credit Repair Letters »

[28 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 4,183 views]
Sample Credit Letter for no Response to Follow-Up of a Dispute Letter

If it has been thirty days since you disputed a debt and you still have not received a response from the creditor and/or the credit bureau, then you should follow-up with the credit bureau as soon as possible. It is common for credit bureaus to become overwhelmed with disputes, and sometimes dispute letters get overlooked.

Rebuilding Credit »

[15 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 14,217 views]
Credit Cards to Rebuild Bad Credit and Boost Your FICO Score

Part of rebuilding your credit is proving that you can pay your bills on time. If your bad credit episode left you without any credit cards, you’ll have to open new ones.

Credit Repair Letters »

[27 May 2024 | One Comment | 4,828 views]
Sample Credit Letter for Inaccurately Reported Items After Investigation Request

It’s very common for credit reports to contain errors. Anything from inaccurate late payments to accounts that aren’t yours or maybe even a falsely reported bankruptcy could mistakenly end up on your credit report. Because so many businesses use your credit report to make decisions about you. It’s important that your credit report is accurate.