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Articles tagged with: Boost Your FICO Score

Fico Scores »

[26 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 10,811 views]
Increase Your FICO Score by Paying Your Credit Card off Before the Next Statement Date

Good credit takes patience and persistence and if you pay your bills on time and keep your credit card balances low over the long haul, you’ll be rewarded with a solid score.

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[25 Jun 2024 | No Comment | 2,039 views]
4 Mistakes That can Hurt a Credit Score

How to Boost Your FICO Score wanted to share the four mistakes that can ‘hurt’ a credit score — be careful not to max out those credit cards. Potential lenders also care about how much a person is charging on their card, because the more they spend the less likely they will be able to repay the debt — this is where credit card utilization comes in.

Rebuilding Credit »

[15 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 14,217 views]
Credit Cards to Rebuild Bad Credit and Boost Your FICO Score

Part of rebuilding your credit is proving that you can pay your bills on time. If your bad credit episode left you without any credit cards, you’ll have to open new ones.

Fico Scores »

[1 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 27,122 views]
Fix Your Credit FICO Score in a Hurry With a Rapid Rescore

A few credit score points can mean the difference between a good mortgage rate, a lousy one or getting a loan at all. But take heart — If errors are dragging down your score, you can get them fixed, just in time for your much-anticipated closing.

Fico Scores »

[25 May 2024 | One Comment | 3,250 views]
How Often do Credit and FICO Scores get Updated From the Credit Bureaus?

Credit reporting bureaus continually update credit reports as they receive information from lenders. Your credit score may change with these updates as lenders add new information to your credit report but also as old information drops off your report. How updates affect your credit score can depend on your overall credit history.