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Articles tagged with: Credit Cards

Rebuilding Credit »

[26 Jul 2024 | 2 Comments | 7,779 views]
Best Credit Cards After Filing Bankruptcy

It may sound like the stupidest financial move ever: getting credit cards after bankruptcy. But done right, it may be one of the smartest moves you can make for your credit. The main purpose for getting new credit cards after bankruptcy is to help boost your credit scores, which most likely took a hit when you filed.

Free Credit Report »

[23 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 4,304 views]
Get Your FICO Score for Free

So, what is a FICO Score? It’s a number that is formulated based on your credit history helping lenders evaluate your credit risk. Your FICO Score is used to determine credit offers and interest rates — and now it’s free for you to view.

Credit Repair »

[13 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 3,594 views]
Techniques for Obtaining and Exploiting Personal Information for Identity Theft

Identity theft is a form of stealing someone’s identity in which someone pretends to be someone else by assuming that person’s identity, typically in order to access resources or obtain credit and other benefits in that person’s name. The victim of identity theft (here meaning the person whose identity has been assumed by the identity thief) can suffer adverse consequences if they are held accountable for the perpetrator’s actions.

Featured »

[8 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 4,902 views]
20 Quick Tips to Improve Your Credit Score

There are many misconceptions about credit scores out there. Every time you apply for credit, apply for a job that requires you to handle money, or even apply for some apartment living, your credit score it checked.

Featured »

[5 Jul 2024 | 2 Comments | 6,081 views]
Holiday Season Retailers may Ding Your Credit Score

This holiday season, retailers may nudge you a little harder to sign up for their store credit cards. Perks could include discounts of 10% or more on your first purchase and introductory offers that allow you to delay payments, interest or both.