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Articles tagged with: MasterCard

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[5 Jul 2024 | 2 Comments | 6,081 views]
Holiday Season Retailers may Ding Your Credit Score

This holiday season, retailers may nudge you a little harder to sign up for their store credit cards. Perks could include discounts of 10% or more on your first purchase and introductory offers that allow you to delay payments, interest or both.

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[15 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 14,217 views]
Credit Cards to Rebuild Bad Credit and Boost Your FICO Score

Part of rebuilding your credit is proving that you can pay your bills on time. If your bad credit episode left you without any credit cards, you’ll have to open new ones.

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[5 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 5,721 views]
Rebuild Credit With a USAA Secured Credit Card

Just in case you’re not familiar with USAA, it’s a large financial services provider that’s been around since 1922. I’ve been looking at their credit cards and the USAA Secured Credit Cards really caught my eye.

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[15 May 2024 | No Comment | 1,926 views]
Secure Credit Cards Coming in 2015 to Prevent Identity Fraud

As record numbers of Americans suffer from identity fraud while banks and merchants are getting hacked, the credit-card industry is providing a new security system for the cardholder. Retailers, banks and card companies are moving from magnetic strips on credit and debit cards to a chip and PIN card system, which is used in Europe.

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[13 May 2024 | No Comment | 3,736 views]
Subprime Credit Card Issuer First Premier Bank APR is 79.9%

It’s no mistake, this credit card’s interest rate is 79.9 percent. The bloated annual percentage rate is how First Premier Bank, a subprime credit card issuer, is skirting new regulations intended to curb abusive practices in the industry. It’s a strategy other sub-prime card issuers could start adopting to get around the new rules.