Articles tagged with: Credit Reporting Agencies
Credit Repair »
Have you ever seen your credit score crash? Sometimes at the last minute? We’ve all been surprised by credit reports that weren’t as great as we wanted them to be. This is how to make sure your credit report is headed in the right direction, especially if your going to get a home loan mortgage in the next 30 days.
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Rebuilding Credit »
It may sound like the stupidest financial move ever: getting credit cards after bankruptcy. But done right, it may be one of the smartest moves you can make for your credit. The main purpose for getting new credit cards after bankruptcy is to help boost your credit scores, which most likely took a hit when you filed.
Credit Repair »
Learning how to recognize credit repair scams will save you pain and money. The scammers promise to remove negative information from your Credit Report, so that you can be approved for future credit. They can’t deliver on those promises, and the fee you pay to them is lost. The good news is that these scams follow the same patterns, so once you understand how they work, you can avoid them.