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Articles tagged with: Bankruptcies

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[16 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 8,324 views]
Rebuild Credit With a Navy Federal Credit Union nRewards Secured Credit Card

Let me start by saying that this is a first-rate secured credit card. Really, the only downside to the Navy Federal Credit Union nRewards Secured Card is that to be eligible, you have be in the military or related to someone who is. But if you meet the eligibility requirements, this is one of the best cards out there for rebuilding or establishing credit.

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[6 Jun 2024 | No Comment | 2,698 views]
Does Your Credit Score Need a Tweak? Here’s How!

A credit score is either a blessing or a curse cast down upon you from the digital cloud. A score of 740 qualifies you for the best interest rate on a conventional mortgage. A score under 640 means ugly interest, and a number under 620 makes it very hard to get a mortgage at all.

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[25 May 2024 | 2 Comments | 8,303 views]
About the Big Three Credit Bureaus

A credit bureau is an information clearinghouse that compiles information on consumers. The credit grantors, or lenders, report consumer payment history to the credit bureaus. The credit bureaus then compile that information together with information on tax liens, bankruptcies, and court judgments that is available in public records. In return, when consumers apply for credit, lenders can check credit reports to determine the creditworthiness of consumers.

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[8 Oct 2014 | One Comment | 8,028 views]
How to Raise and Increase Your FICO Score 100 Points

Your credit score is used by lenders to determine if you can get a mortgage loan and what interest rate they will charge you.  It is also used to obtain a car loan, cell phone contract –- even employers and landlords check it!  This is a precious 3 digit number you should try your best to protect.

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[4 Sep 2011 | 2 Comments | 4,738 views]
Removing Bankruptcies and Foreclosures From Your Credit Report

Having a foreclosure on your credit report is like dropping a bomb on your credit score — almost cutting it in half in some instances. Your FICO Score will take a big hit that could remain on there for as much as seven years.