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[17 Jul 2024 | 2 Comments | 9,735 views]
Method of Verification is a Secret Credit Repair Tool

Everyone, it seems through mass media coverage, knows how to dispute negative credit listings on your credit report. This is a good thing. However, many people are foiled in their disputes because of the way the credit bureaus “investigate” the disputes.

Credit Repair Letters »

[13 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 13,920 views]
Credit Report Dispute Letter to Remove Inaccurate, Erroneous, Outdated, Misleading or Unverifiable Information

Any information that is inaccurate should be corrected so that potential creditors, employers, insurance companies and other organizations see an accurate picture of our credit profile when they request copies of our personal credit reports.

Credit Repair »

[7 May 2024 | No Comment | 2,070 views]
How to Dispute Credit Report Errors With the Credit Bureaus

The three credit reporting bureaus deal with a substantial amount of information daily. As a result, mistakes can occur on your credit report. By requesting and reviewing the free annual credit reports from each of the credit reporting bureaus, you can be on the lookout for errors that may exist on your report.

Fico Scores »

[9 Mar 2019 | 2 Comments | 3,948 views]
Bad FICO Scores Will Damage Your Credit Report Because of These 14 Credit Mistakes

There are a wide variety of myths floating around about what you should and shouldn’t do to improve your credit reports and credit scores.