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[27 Mar 2024 | No Comment | 4,028 views]
How to Apply for Bad Credit — Credit Cards

If you need a credit card but have a poor credit history, don’t despair — bad credit credit cards are available that can meet most needs and this is not common knowledge. No doubt you have had people tell you that if you have bad credit, no lender will touch you but this is not the case for most people. As long as you have the income to repay the debt, lenders will usually be prepared to loan to you.

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[12 Jun 2016 | No Comment | 7,421 views]
Orchard Bank is the Best Credit Card for Bad Credit

Send in one application to Orchard Bank, a subsidiary of HSBC, and you’ll be considered for four different cards. Based on your credit, you may be offered one of three unsecured credit cards or a secured card.

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[8 Oct 2014 | One Comment | 8,028 views]
How to Raise and Increase Your FICO Score 100 Points

Your credit score is used by lenders to determine if you can get a mortgage loan and what interest rate they will charge you.  It is also used to obtain a car loan, cell phone contract –- even employers and landlords check it!  This is a precious 3 digit number you should try your best to protect.

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[9 Feb 2014 | One Comment | 36,324 views]
Rebuild Credit With a U.S. Bank Secured Visa Credit Card

The U.S. Bank Secured Visa Card, which is from a large bank, usually have the best credit card terms. Your security deposit can range from $300 to $5,000 and you earn interest on it, which is excellent. The fine print notes that your application could be denied if you’ve had a bankruptcy, are less than 18 years old, or if your security deposit is less than $300 to start.

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[9 Sep 2011 | 2 Comments | 72,209 views]
Piggyback Credit Cards to Boost Your FICO ’08 Credit Score

If your credit history isn’t all that long or spotless, adding a credit account with a long, positive credit history to your report will certainly boost your score but how do you all of a sudden add an old account to your credit report?