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Articles tagged with: Credit File

Credit Repair Letters »

[12 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 5,882 views]
Where do I Dispute and Correct Errors in my Credit History?

If you find errors or inaccuracies in your credit history file, you will have to submit a dispute letter or request to each of the credit bureaus on which the mistake appears. In some cases you may be able to dispute the error with online forms, but in some cases you’ll have to submit a letter with your corroborating documents.

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[27 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 4,126 views]
Will a Credit Freeze Protect my Credit File?

A credit freeze occurs when you notify a credit bureau not to release your credit history without your consent. This is an effective way to combat identity theft since a potential identity thief will not be able to see your credit history even if he has your personal identifying information.

Headline »

[23 May 2024 | One Comment | 3,588 views]
Why is Credit Monitoring Important?

Credit monitoring services will watch over your credit file with continuous around the clock tracking and notify you whenever there is a change to the credit file. These services will alert you within 24 hours of a change, usually through email, phone, or text message as you see fit.

Fico Scores »

[2 May 2024 | 5 Comments | 12,028 views]
FICO Score Being Replaced by CoreScore Credit Score With new Credit File

Anyone who has recently applied for a mortgage knows that lenders are already looking much more closely at your financial affairs. But soon, they’ll be able to easily delve into the deepest recesses of your financial life, accessing information that never before appeared on your credit report.

Fico Scores »

[21 Apr 2024 | 2 Comments | 6,340 views]
What is a Credit Inquiry and the Difference Between a Hard Inquiry or Soft Inquiry?

Any company, organization, or individual with a “legitimate business need” can request to see your credit history, and these requests are known as credit inquiries. They are divided into two categories called hard and soft inquiries — hard inquiries will affect your credit history and credit score while soft inquiries will not.