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Articles tagged with: Credit Report

Credit Repair »

[6 Jun 2024 | No Comment | 2,698 views]
Does Your Credit Score Need a Tweak? Here’s How!

A credit score is either a blessing or a curse cast down upon you from the digital cloud. A score of 740 qualifies you for the best interest rate on a conventional mortgage. A score under 640 means ugly interest, and a number under 620 makes it very hard to get a mortgage at all.

Rebuilding Credit »

[28 May 2024 | One Comment | 6,373 views]
Credit Repair Your Credit Report With a Secured Credit Card

If you have been using credit irresponsibly and finally decided to do something about it, you can start by getting a few secured credit cards to rebuild your credit history.

Credit Repair Letters »

[28 May 2024 | One Comment | 4,926 views]
How to Write a Credit Dispute Letter

Writing a quality credit dispute letter will help you get the results you want to improve your credit score. There are many samples available on the Internet, but you have to ensure that they contain certain elements before you copy and use them. Here are some qualities of a successful credit dispute letter and advice on including them in yours.

Credit Repair Letters »

[27 May 2024 | One Comment | 4,828 views]
Sample Credit Letter for Inaccurately Reported Items After Investigation Request

It’s very common for credit reports to contain errors. Anything from inaccurate late payments to accounts that aren’t yours or maybe even a falsely reported bankruptcy could mistakenly end up on your credit report. Because so many businesses use your credit report to make decisions about you. It’s important that your credit report is accurate.

Fico Scores »

[26 May 2024 | One Comment | 3,319 views]
If I Don’t Pay Child Support, can my Credit Score be Damaged?

Watch out delinquent parents, your credit history can be checked by agencies that enforce child support payments. While the inquiry itself will not count on your credit report, failing to make your court-ordered child support payment can.