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Articles tagged with: Dispute Letter

Credit Repair Letters »

[12 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 5,882 views]
Where do I Dispute and Correct Errors in my Credit History?

If you find errors or inaccuracies in your credit history file, you will have to submit a dispute letter or request to each of the credit bureaus on which the mistake appears. In some cases you may be able to dispute the error with online forms, but in some cases you’ll have to submit a letter with your corroborating documents.

Credit Repair Letters »

[28 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 4,183 views]
Sample Credit Letter for no Response to Follow-Up of a Dispute Letter

If it has been thirty days since you disputed a debt and you still have not received a response from the creditor and/or the credit bureau, then you should follow-up with the credit bureau as soon as possible. It is common forĀ credit bureaus to become overwhelmed with disputes, and sometimes dispute letters get overlooked.

Credit Repair Letters »

[13 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 13,920 views]
Credit Report Dispute Letter to Remove Inaccurate, Erroneous, Outdated, Misleading or Unverifiable Information

Any information that is inaccurate should be corrected so that potential creditors, employers, insurance companies and other organizations see an accurate picture of our credit profile when they request copies of our personal credit reports.

Credit Repair »

[22 Apr 2024 | No Comment | 3,633 views]
How to Raise Your Credit Score 40 Points in 24 Hours

Have you ever seen your credit score crash? Sometimes at the last minute? We’ve all been surprised by credit reports that weren’t as great as we wanted them to be. This is how to make sure your credit report is headed in the right direction, especially if your going to get a home loanĀ mortgage in the next 30 days.

Credit Repair Letters »

[3 Apr 2024 | One Comment | 10,127 views]
Dispute Letter to Remove Unauthorized Inquiries From Your Credit Report

Whenever a creditor views your credit history, it will appear as an inquiry on your credit report. Too many inquiries can lower your Credit Score, which may cause your credit application to be denied.