Articles tagged with: Fair Credit Reporting Act
Credit Repair »
The three credit reporting bureaus deal with a substantial amount of information daily. As a result, mistakes can occur on your credit report. By requesting and reviewing the free annual credit reports from each of the credit reporting bureaus, you can be on the lookout for errors that may exist on your report.
Fico Scores »
Credit Repair Letters »
A home Foreclosure will stay on your credit report for seven years. This can make it difficult for you to purchase big-ticket items such as a car or a house if you cannot afford to pay cash. However, if your foreclosure was unjustly executed, or the institution that provided your mortgage is not fairly reporting your credit, there are steps you can take to have the foreclosure removed early.
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Rebuilding Credit »
No consumer is prevented from acquiring credit solely based on marital status. The Equal Opportunity Credit Act outlaws discrimination of all forms to provide consumers with equal access to credit resources. If you recently experienced a divorce, however, your credit score may be negatively impacted after you separate from your spouse.