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[20 Jun 2024 | 2 Comments | 7,145 views]
10 Mortgage Loan Tips for People With Bad Credit

A person’s credit standing is a reflection of his financial principle and status in life. The privilege to make a loan is only given to those who have established a good credit rating. Thus, a person who wants to have available credit immediately when he needs it should maintain a good credit rating.

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[17 Jun 2024 | 2 Comments | 4,604 views]
FICO Score Effect on a Mortgage

If you’re a little savvy about credit, you probably know that each of us is entitled to a free copy of our credit report, once a year, from each of the three main credit-reporting agencies. You can access these easily online at annualcreditreport.com — and if you’re willing to pay a few dollars, you can get your credit score, as well.

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[7 Apr 2024 | 2 Comments | 6,206 views]
5 Tips to Boost Your FICO Score

Your credit score or FICO is very important as you are defined by this ever changing number attached to your name. It can affect your ability to get a loan, your chance of getting a job and even increase the interest rate you pay.