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[7 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 4,578 views]
Improve Your FICO Score With These Tips

It’s important to note that repairing bad credit takes time and there is no quick way to fix a credit score. In fact, out of all of the ways to improve a credit score, quick-fix efforts are the most likely to backfire, so beware of any advice that claims to improve your credit score fast.

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[23 Apr 2024 | One Comment | 3,359 views]
Asking a Banker to Check Score can Hurt Your Credit Score

If you have friends who work at banks, especially if they are in lending, you might be tempted to ask them to check your credit score for free.

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[7 Apr 2024 | 2 Comments | 6,206 views]
5 Tips to Boost Your FICO Score

Your credit score or FICO is very important as you are defined by this ever changing number attached to your name. It can affect your ability to get a loan, your chance of getting a job and even increase the interest rate you pay.