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Articles tagged with: Married

Fico Scores »

[14 Jun 2024 | No Comment | 2,716 views]
Creditors are Making Their own Social Media Credit Score and Credit Report System

CoreLogic and FICO partnered last year to offer lenders an alternative credit score for more predictive scoring, which includes data previously not used in credit scoring, from a borrowers cell phone bill, utilities, payday loan activity, to child support judgments, evictions, property tax liens, the status of homeowner’s association dues, whether or not a borrower is underwater on their current home, or whether a borrower owns other properties that credit agencies typically miss.

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[29 Apr 2024 | 2 Comments | 3,479 views]
Getting Married Won’t Lower Your FICO Score if Your Spouse has a bad FICO Score

You are about to get married, and your Fiance’s FICO Score is 200 points lower than yours. Once you wed, your scores will be combined, and your mate’s low score will pull yours down.

Rebuilding Credit »

[24 Apr 2024 | 2 Comments | 6,833 views]
Fix Your Credit Report After a Divorce

When a couple is married, they often hold joint accounts, such as savings, credit cards and mortgages. This links their credit scores together. If you’ve just gone through a divorce, your credit may be in shambles. Sometimes, one partner will run up a huge credit card bill, deplete the equity in the home or otherwise try to wreak havoc with the credit score of the other party. It’s important to address this problem head on.