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Articles tagged with: Method of Verification

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[17 Jul 2024 | 2 Comments | 9,735 views]
Method of Verification is a Secret Credit Repair Tool

Everyone, it seems through mass media coverage, knows how to dispute negative credit listings on your credit report. This is a good thing. However, many people are foiled in their disputes because of the way the credit bureaus “investigate” the disputes.

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[16 Apr 2024 | No Comment | 2,524 views]
5 Credit Repair Tips That Will Fix Your Credit Report and Credit Score Now!

Today having good credit reflected in your credit report is important in every financial situation you find yourself in as you probably know and knowing a few tips about credit repair can solve a lot of your credit problems. In our world credit determines just how much interest you’ll end up paying on your house, car, truck, etc.