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Articles tagged with: Spouse

Rebuilding Credit »

[9 Jul 2024 | One Comment | 5,540 views]
Divorced With Joint Credit Accounts can Lower Your FICO Score

No consumer is prevented from acquiring credit solely based on marital status. The Equal Opportunity Credit Act outlaws discrimination of all forms to provide consumers with equal access to credit resources. If you recently experienced a divorce, however, your credit score may be negatively impacted after you separate from your spouse.

Fico Scores »

[2 May 2024 | 5 Comments | 12,028 views]
FICO Score Being Replaced by CoreScore Credit Score With new Credit File

Anyone who has recently applied for a mortgage knows that lenders are already looking much more closely at your financial affairs. But soon, they’ll be able to easily delve into the deepest recesses of your financial life, accessing information that never before appeared on your credit report.

Featured »

[23 Apr 2024 | One Comment | 3,971 views]
Divorce, Your Credit Report and Credit Score

Divorce is all about division – the separation of two people from each other, dividing up property, dividing kids’ time between parents but does divorce have to mean a separation from a good credit score?