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Articles tagged with: Store Credit Cards

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[5 Jul 2024 | 2 Comments | 6,081 views]
Holiday Season Retailers may Ding Your Credit Score

This holiday season, retailers may nudge you a little harder to sign up for their store credit cards. Perks could include discounts of 10% or more on your first purchase and introductory offers that allow you to delay payments, interest or both.

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[20 May 2024 | 3 Comments | 3,527 views]
A Store Credit Card That Doesn’t Require Payments for Six Months Will Lower Your Credit Score

You charged thousands of dollars’ worth of appliances to a store credit card that doesn’t require payments for six months. As long as you make the payments in six months, your Credit Score will not be affected.

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[28 Apr 2024 | No Comment | 2,258 views]
Store Credit Cards That are Easy to get With Perks

When it comes to retail store credit cards, the advantages are often outweighed by the disadvantages. However, the best store credit cards offer some exceptions to the status quo. Some come with rewards and benefits worth pursuing, if you shop a lot at their stores.