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[12 May 2024 | No Comment | 2,912 views]
Walmart’s Free Credit Score Online is Your Real FICO Credit Score

Walmart’s Free Credit Score is making it easy for you to stay informed about your FICO Credit Score. Just register for online account management and enroll to receive electronic statements. Then, after you sign up to receive electronic statements, you’ll be able to sign up to get your free FICO Credit Score and see it each time you log into your account.

Fico Scores »

[11 May 2024 | No Comment | 2,944 views]
How to Raise My FICO Score

FICO Score is a term used to describe the number assigned to you in relation to your credit. It is simply a number used to represent your financial obligations in relation to your credit history. It is called FICO because this score is determined by software created by Fair Isaac and Company.

Fico Scores »

[8 May 2024 | No Comment | 1,792 views]
Expect to see More Free Credit Scores Coming in 2015

About a year ago, a few credit card issuers began sharing FICO Scores or VantageScores with their customers as part of their monthly statements. As competition heats up, more credit card issuers are now offering customers’ credit scores for free.

Fico Scores »

[2 May 2024 | 5 Comments | 12,028 views]
FICO Score Being Replaced by CoreScore Credit Score With new Credit File

Anyone who has recently applied for a mortgage knows that lenders are already looking much more closely at your financial affairs. But soon, they’ll be able to easily delve into the deepest recesses of your financial life, accessing information that never before appeared on your credit report.

Fico Scores »

[25 Apr 2024 | One Comment | 3,181 views]
How Does a Credit Score Increase or Decrease Each Month?

The majority of credit scores don’t increase or decrease every month, largely because the person is in what is known as “steady state” or equilibrium where their patterns of credit use and payment are balanced over time.