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Articles tagged with: Credit Utilization

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[8 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 3,720 views]
Closing Credit Cards can Hurt Your Credit Score

This has become less “strange” in recent years, but closing your credit cards can hurt your score.

Rebuilding Credit »

[18 Apr 2024 | One Comment | 3,119 views]
Credit Cards With no Limit can Hurt Your Credit Score

Some credit cards come with absolutely no listed limit, which at first may seem like a good thing.

Fico Scores »

[9 Apr 2024 | No Comment | 5,490 views]
10 Ways to Increase Your (FICO) Credit Score 25 Points

If you haven’t started playing the FICO game yet, here are 10 little-known credit cheats that will help you get to the next credit level. There’s one score that follows you around for life — your credit score!