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Articles tagged with: Security Deposit

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[5 Jun 2024 | One Comment | 5,721 views]
Rebuild Credit With a USAA Secured Credit Card

Just in case you’re not familiar with USAA, it’s a large financial services provider that’s been around since 1922. I’ve been looking at their credit cards and the USAA Secured Credit Cards really caught my eye.

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[1 Jun 2024 | 2 Comments | 5,054 views]
Secured Credit Card for Credit Score Rebuilding

Secured credit cards are great for establishing or rebuilding your credit history. Unlike prepaid cards, secured credit cards give you a credit line, and your payment activity will be reported to the major consumer reporting agencies.

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[12 Jun 2016 | No Comment | 7,421 views]
Orchard Bank is the Best Credit Card for Bad Credit

Send in one application to Orchard Bank, a subsidiary of HSBC, and you’ll be considered for four different cards. Based on your credit, you may be offered one of three unsecured credit cards or a secured card.

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[9 Feb 2014 | One Comment | 36,324 views]
Rebuild Credit With a U.S. Bank Secured Visa Credit Card

The U.S. Bank Secured Visa Card, which is from a large bank, usually have the best credit card terms. Your security deposit can range from $300 to $5,000 and you earn interest on it, which is excellent. The fine print notes that your application could be denied if you’ve had a bankruptcy, are less than 18 years old, or if your security deposit is less than $300 to start.

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[8 Jun 2013 | 2 Comments | 13,595 views]
Rebuild Credit With a Citi Secured MasterCard

When it comes to secured credit cards, the Citi Secured MasterCard is one of the good guys. You’ll see why this is a good card for consumers with bad credit when we get to the rates and fees.